It's so funny yet so stupid, I can't believe that this film is actually a true story! An amazing cast with a brill story. 4/5
Home » Archives for July 2015
Wreck-It Ralph (2012)
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Love this film and the nostalgia. It's a great family feel good film and my kids loved it! 5/5
The Great Gatsby (2013)
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Great film, was difficult to get into, but after the first 20 minutes it got good! Capuchino at his finest. 5/5
Van Damme: In Hell (2003)
Friday, July 24, 2015
Not one of Van Dammes best films but he did go from wuss to bad ass with slick back hair after a shit training montage. 2/5
The Riot Club (2014)
Friday, July 24, 2015
A really good film about rich spoilt private school educated Oxford students. Captivating film with a great cast 5/5